
Our association was founded in 2021. It started out as just an idea in the minds of our founders, but quickly developed into a permanent association with dozens of members all acting in concert. But as you can see below, it took a while to get there.

We join the Space Tech Expo for the third time

This time at the Space Tech Expo, we will display our fully assembled rocket. Although it didn't launch, it makes an excellent showpiece which we're able to use to explain the progress we've made this year and what we're working on for the future. Of course, we also take the opportunity to network with industry partners and present our work to the mayor of Bremen!

We host the second Networking Event with Starthaus Bremen at DHI

The key to staying in people's minds is regularly reminding them of our work. So in October, we are organizing our second networking event in collaboration with DHI and Starthaus. This time the topic will be sustainability in the aerospace sector. We are discussing the subject with key people from academia and industry, and once again we are bringing the space community in Bremen together to discuss an important issue.

We take part in EuRoC for the first time with our rocket Karma

The time has come: EuRoC 2023 is our first real opportunity to see our Karma rocket take off. Unfortunately, due to the limited time we've had over the past few weeks, the rocket still has a few problems that we can't fix on-site. Due to this and some unexpected concerns of the EuRoC supervisors, we don't get the launch permission. But that's by no means the end: We learned a lot and will try to do better next time!

We conduct our first Hot Fire Test.

At EuRoC, the success of our project heavily relies on the performance of our rocket motor. To ensure that it meets our expectations, a team of our most dedicated members was sent to Lampoldshausen to conduct a series of tests on the motor. The main objective of these tests is to achieve a 10-second burn that generates the required thrust for lift-off. 

Our parachute passes the first wind tunnel test.
In the meantime, we have made great progress in construction. Our parachute was largely completed and could be tested. This is done with a wind tunnel test. Thereby the parachute is - simplified - put into a tunnel with 3m diameter and tested with very strong simulated wind if everything is good.
We organize the first matchmaking event in cooperation with the Starthaus and the DHI.

We wanted to create more opportunities for exchange on aerospace topics. A place was needed where science, business and students could meet and talk to each other. Together with the Starthause Bremen & Bremerhaven and the DHI (Digital Hub Industry), we organized an event on the topic of "New Space".

You can read more about it in this post:

Successful start – three Bremen initiatives create meeting space for space enthusiasts

We make the first drop test in the south of Germany.

The drop test checks whether the parachute container and mechanism work and whether the parachutes unfold appropriately at the correct height. For this purpose, the nose cone is dropped from an aircraft at a height of about 600 meters. Our drogue parachute unfolded without any problems. The main parachute was ejected, but unfortunately got tangled in the strings and did not deploy properly. We are working on a better folding system. You can watch the drop test here:


This is the second time we exhibit at the Space Tech Expo.
Then in November, we were excited to be at Space Tech Expo again. We were able to show our progress and at the same time get a lot of inspiration and ideas again. The Expo also offers many opportunities to network and engage in conversation with people.
Then we can finally start the first building.
Planning and calculating was a lot of fun for us. Nevertheless, it is clear - we are here mainly to build. In phase B, we were finally able to start building the rocket. Materials were ordered, calculations readjusted, designs changed again and again. We learned how to handle fiberglass, how to fold parachutes, and how to incorporate weather data into control systems.
We submit our Preliminary Design Review to DLR.

We then sent all drafts and plans to DLR for several reviews. In the process, each technical team writes its own report. DLR then reviews them and makes comments or suggestions for improvement.

When this process was complete, we were able to start Phase B.

As the first big step, a lot of planning is needed.
All constructing projects can be divided into different phases. Regardless of what you build later, all ideas probably start the same way: with planning. In Phase A of our project, we designed the structure of the rocket, calculated dimensions and looked for suitable materials. The entire concept of the rocket had to be defined and checked before we could start building it.
We officially establish ASTRA as an association.

In order to really work purposefully on rocket construction, it makes sense in Germany to found a non-profit association. This gives us legal security, the possibility for financing and sponsoring and makes our idea more tangible.

A lot of paperwork was necessary for this step. But in December it was official - ASTRA is an association.

We are exhibiting at Space Tech Expo for the first time.
As a small team, we needed lots of ideas, help and enthusiastic students in the aerospace field. We found all that at the Space Tech Expo. We had the opportunity to talk to many companies and engineers in the aerospace industry. At the same time, we were able to introduce ourselves for the first time and present our vision.
The idea of ASTRA is born.
The original idea of ASTRA e.V. came from a student of our team. He was studying for a master's degree in space engineering and missed the practical relevance. So he founded a group to build a rocket. To make this interesting for space enthusiasts, he decided that the rocket should reach the Karman line (100 km above sea level).
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