Systems Engineering
Who we are and what we do:
The Systems Engineering team is responsible to handle the whole complexity of a rocket system, in order to realize a rocket that fulfils a certain quality. This is required because every subsystem on its own has already a high complexity. Our task is to connect these subsystems into one complete system.
To do this, we are writing requirements, including functional, non-functional and test requirements. These requirements need to be updated in order to fulfil the quality we want. At the end of all requirements shall be fulfilled in order to achieve the quality for EuRoC’24. Moreover, we are also responsible for collecting and reviewing papers that are connected to the rocket, for example technical specification or test results. Giving advices or collecting new general ideas is also a task for us, in order to support every subsystem.
Currently, we are writing the requirements for the PDR (Preliminary Design Review), which will be the Top-Level-Design of the whole system. Parallel to this, we are already planning the test requirements, which will be next step after the PRD is fulfilled.
A few ASTRAnauts introduce themselves

Hi there!
I’m Raphael, and I’m currently part of the Systems Engineering team at ASTRA. I’m also studying Systems Engineering at the University of Bremen. Apart from engineering, my interests lie in philosophy, literature, and art.
I joined ASTRA because it offers a perfect opportunity to gain experience in my field of interest, which is crucial for my future studies, career, and personal development. Additionally, the mission itself is a cool idea and provides a perfect chance to acquire new experiences outside the traditional realm of university and academic skillsets.
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